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MessagePublié: Dim 04 Déc, 2005 20:35 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind
Dead kings, many things I can't define
Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind
Incense and peppermints, the color of time.

Who cares what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothing to lose.

Incense and peppermints, meaningless nouns
Turn on, tune in, turn your eyes around.

Look at yourself, look at yourself, yeah, yeah
Look at yourself, look at yourself, yeah, yeah, yeah!

To divide this cockeyed world in two
Throw your pride to one side, it's the least you can do.
Beatniks and politics, nothing in new
A yardstick for lunatics, one point of view

Who care what games we choose?
Little to win, but nothin' to lose.

Good sense, innocence, cripplin' mankind
Dead kings, many things I can't define.
Occasion, persuassions sclutter your mind

Celle ci est pas simple si tu la trouve Argowal bravo

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Dim 04 Déc, 2005 21:27 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
C'est "Incense and peppermints", je crois que c'est la BO d'Austin Powers, mais je sais pas de qui...


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 0:19 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Je me rappelais pas que c'était la BO d'austin power.
Bon tu as trouvé le titre bien joué le groupe c'est Strawberry Alarm Clock à toi !

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 1:23 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
Avis aux connaisseurs...

The screen door slams
Mary's dress waves
Like a vision she dances across the porch
As the radio plays
Roy Orbison singing for the lonely
Hey that's me and I want you only
Don't turn me home again
I just can't face myself alone again
Don't run back inside
Darling you know just what I'm here for
So you're scared and you're thinking
That maybe we ain't that young anymore
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night
You ain't a beauty but hey yo're alright
Oh and that's alright with me


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 12:23 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder road

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 12:35 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon

A toi!


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:13 
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Inscrit le: Mer 13 Avr, 2005 17:24
Messages: 3418
Localisation: Euh... loin!
Ca se transforme en duel, là!

Glorfindel, l'Elfe aux Cent-Morts

Image Image


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:17 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
Il faudrait compter, mais je crois que je suis bien placée au classement général :D


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:35 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Bon pas trés dur mais fallait que je la mette celle là

Here I lie in my hospital bed
Tell me, Sister Morphine, when are you coming round again?
Oh, I don't think I can wait that long
Oh, you see that I'm not that strong

The scream of the ambulance is sounding in my ears
Tell me, Sister Morphine, how long have I been lying here?
What am I doing in this place?
Why does the doctor have no face?

Oh, I can't crawl across the floor
Ah, can't you see, Sister Morphine, I'm trying to score

Well it just goes to show
Things are not what they seem
Please, Sister Morphine, turn my nightmares into dreams
Oh, can't you see I'm fading fast?
And that this shot will be my last

Sweet Cousin Cocaine, lay your cool cool hand on my head
Ah, come on, Sister Morphine, you better make up my bed
'Cause you know and I know in the morning I'll be dead
Yeah, and you can sit around, yeah and you can watch all the
Clean white sheets stained red

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:37 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
Incontournable, effectivement...

Rolling Stones, "Sister Morphine"


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:38 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Lol je savais que ce serait trop facile :D

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 13:55 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
Allez, une belle vieillerie, encore...

Pour les connaisseurs...

Gentle pretty thing
Who only had one spring
You bravely faced the world
Ready for anything
I'm happy that you lived
For your life is mine
What have I except to cry
Spirit never die
Birds of the air
Beasts of the earth
Overjoyed at Bambi's birth they gambolled in the glade


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 14:11 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Who Killed Bambi des sex pistols il me semble

La mort l'emportera.....



 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 14:16 
Blonde de Choc !
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Inscrit le: Dim 13 Fév, 2005 23:10
Messages: 3310
Localisation: Au Saloon
C'est bien ça!


 Sujet du message:
MessagePublié: Lun 05 Déc, 2005 14:47 
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Inscrit le: Sam 28 Mai, 2005 13:23
Messages: 189
Localisation: au cimetière...
Incontournables les sex pistols....

Bon une chanson incontournable aussi mais enfin faut connaitre :D

He will bring happiness in a pipe,
He'll ride away on his silver bike
And apart from that he'll be so kind
In consenting to blow your mind.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
He will bring orchids for my lady,
The perfume will be of an excellent style
And apart from that he'll be so kind
In consenting to blow your mind.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
He will bring happiness in a pipe,
He'll-a ride away on his silver bike
And apart from that he'll be so kind
In consenting to blow your mind.
Fly jefferson airplane, get you there on time.
Fly jefferson airplane, get you there on time.
He will bring happiness in a pipe,
He'll ride away on his silver bike
And apart from that he'll be so kind
In consenting to blow your mind.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
Fly translove airways, get you there on time.
We'll be flying at an altitude of thirty-nine thousand feet
Captain high at your service.

La mort l'emportera.....



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